When you think of Scandinavian design, you might think DIY furniture, an abundance of white spaces, and clean lines. And you’re not wrong. But there’s a lot more to it than that…

Scandinavian design is about understanding the presence of elements that add to the design and absence of things that weigh it down. The key is to understand the elements and how it impacts your business. Because, trust us, it does.

The 7 elements of Scandinavian design create the perfect brand cocktail, that when mixed together just right, enhances what makes your brand unique and creates lasting impressions and emotional connections. There’s no one right way to mix these together for everyone but that’s what we’re here for. We created the 7 elements of Scandinavian design and how to leverage these for your digital business here. But we’ll break it down quick here…

Atmosphere – All about the mood you want to deliver! What’s your vibe? The atmosphere you create will define your brand feeling.

Mutability – Basically, be flexible. Be ready to shift and grow in your design, because your brand inevitably will too.

Domesticity – Know how to appreciate each consumer’s different experiences and interactions. Design purposefully to accommodate this.

Engagement – Connect with consumers authentically and nurture engagement for long, happy consumer relationships.

Functionality – Everything has a function. From copy to color to shapes and more. Each detail should serve a purpose and help tell your brand story.

Equity – The consideration of all perspectives. Design a brand with everyone in mind and you’re building a community full of shared values and respect.

Modernity – This is just like it sounds. Stay modern. Stay relevant. Embrace the ever-changing times and adapt – you’ll never go out of style.

Why does it matter?

Design influences our emotions, our connections, and impressions of everything. The same is true for your brand. By mixing up the perfect blend of these 7 principles, you’re creating a solid brand to drive better business. Our goal is to use these to create balance and emotional connections to be an inclusive part of the consumer’s life, not an intrusive part.

Discover the 7 principles of Scandinavian design and examples of these in action here!

Let’s create something glorious together

We're your creative partner and an extension to your marketing team: a perfect combination of Scandinavian sensibility and pragmatic Silicon Valley approach to power up your growth—for you and your company.

Let's build a brave brand.